Register Now for the 2025 UGIC Conference!
May 12-16, 2025
Join us for the 34th annual Utah Geographic Information Council Conference in beautiful Logan, Utah! From seasoned GIS professionals to new and upcoming students, this conference will provide an opportunity to grow your GIS knowledge base and expand your networking reach. Geospatial experts will hold workshops and presentations that are guaranteed to elevate individual GIS cognition in our rapidly changing field. The event is packed full of great presentations, workshops, vendors and opportunities to advance your GIS skills and learn from other GIS Professionals.
The event will be held at the Riverwoods Conference Center in downtown Logan. This exciting UGIC destination will provide plenty of opportunities for hiking, biking and enjoying Cache valley when everything is green and in bloom. Register now!
Lodging is open now – We have secured discounted rates at several hotels near the conference center. Please click HERE for hotel rates and contact information.
UGIC Conference full registration is $395.