Sean Fernandez named NGS Geodetic Coordinator for Utah

Sean Fernandez, Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC), and Bill Stone, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS), are pleased to announce that Sean is now serving as the NGS Geodetic Coordinator for Utah. In this voluntary role (in addition to his day-to-day AGRC responsibilities), Sean will assist Bill, the NGS Southwest Region (UT, AZ, NM) Geodetic Advisor, with various aspects of outreach and interface between Utah’s geospatial community and NGS. The volunteer State Geodetic Coordinator program augments the NGS Regional Geodetic Advisor program by providing a single point of contact within participating states to assist in supporting users of the National Spatial Reference System. For further information, including full contact information for Sean and Bill, see: Feel free to direct any questions to Sean ( and/or Bill (

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